Innovatieroute Security & Cloud
Maximaal: 25
SNB / geïnteresseerde AON'er
Cloudar / VMWare
Ik kies voor de innovatieroute Security & Cloud
Ik ben een student Systemen en Netwerken, Full-Stack Development of AI
Geen seminarie/workshop
Voorbereiding / Vereisten:
Locatie en uur:
volledig verhaal rond multi-cloud omgeving
Spreker: Dirk Vangoidsenhoven
9:00-9:50: History of VMware
General overview on how vmware evolves from hypervisor to full multicloud player
10:00-10:50: Portfolio overview
Overview of the VMware portfolio, based upon 5 big domains
11:00-12:30: VMware cloud technologies
Detailed technical overview of the VMware cloud technologies
12:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-14:50: Vmware and the hyperscalers
VMware cloud technologies within MS Azure, AWS and Google
15:00-16:00: Demo of the Cloud platform
General demo of the VMware cloud platform
Voorbereiding / Vereisten:
Locatie en uur:
09:00 tot 16:00u
Gebouw G - lokaal G410
Encrypt the full stack: at rest and in transit with KMS and SSMWebapp
Spreker: Ben Bridts en Bart Coddens
Encryption 101 and the need for encryption in transit and at rest
Introduction into AWS KMS
Elastic Block Store
RDS ( Relational Database Service)
S3 ( Simple Storage Service )
Transition to keyless management of infrastructure with Secure Service Manager (SSM)
Keeping EC2 machines up to date without downtime via Patch Manager and ksplice
Voorbereiding / Vereisten:
Locatie en uur:
09:00 tot 16:00u
Gebouw G - lokaal G410